Information about unlimited web hosting
A Short unlimited web hosting Summary
Currently, hostican hosting is upgrading the shared hosting plan. Previously is offering 600Gb storage space for base-host plan, and 1000GB storage space for the tera-host hosting plan. After the recent upgrade, hostican hosting is now giving 2000GB storage space for the base-host, and 3000GB storage space for the tera-host hosting plan. A termendeous storage space upgrades.
Once you know that you are running Red Hat for example, you can get to the point with:
As any entrepreneur knows, it is wise to shop for services so if you are building an ecommerce web site, you are going to be shopping for affordable web hosting.
The cost of acquiring a premium domain names is cheaper than continuously paying for local or regional print advertising.
Bluehost review after 13 months hosted
Thu, 13 Mar 2008 20:34:24 +0000 is bluehost review site hosted with bluehost web hosting. Perhaps this is not the first time you heard of This bluehost reviews site had been running since march 2007, until today march 2008. Over the 13 months of reviewing bluehost web hosting, this bluehost review blog had grown in size and popularity. This ...]
Fun Fact: Google's Revenue is $17,066 Per Server
Mon, 19 Mar 2007 19:52:00 -0400
I read about this on Bert Amijo's blog. 3Tera CEO Vlad Miloushev did the math:
1. Google's infrastructure consists of 500,000 to 1 million servers.
2. Google's Q4, 2006 revenue was $3.2 billion. On an annualized basis, that's $12.8 billion.
If you divide #2 by #1, you'd get $12,800 to $25,600 of revenue per server. If you take the average and divide the amount by 12, you'd end up with $1,422/month in sales for each server. Google spends about 10% of its revenue on operations, which equals $142 per server.
As a point of reference, let's consider HostGator's announcement that it will expand its presence at The Planet. HostGator currently leases 1,700 servers, which are home to 500,000 websites. That's 294 sites per server. If HostGator collected as little as $4.84 from each site owner, it'd generate more revenue per server than Google!
HostGator's cheapest service plan costs $6.95/month, but it allows customers paying $9.95 or more to host multiple sites. Which most - including HostGator's 10,000 resellers - do. So Brent doesn't have Larry and Sergey beat. Yet. But while I was doing the calculations above, I remembered a conversation with Lenkov from SiteKreator. Thanks to some kind of caching magic (which ISP-Planet discusses in this article), Lenkov's software can support up to 30,000 simple websites on a two CPU machine.
Let's say Brent springs for a quad core Clovertown from The Planet, hosts only 15,000 websites, and charges each site owner $1/month. This would put him ahead of Google in terms of both revenue/hosting expense ratio, and sales per server.
ISP-Planet says SiteKreator can be licensed for an "unpublished fee". I'll have to ask Lenkov about that...
Patent for content management is granted
Wed, 19 Apr 2006 17:28:26 EST
Software solution provider GraphOn have been granted a patent that cover 'Method and
apparatus for providing a dynamically-updating pay-for-service web site' by the USPTO.
From reading parts of the patent application it looks like this patent covers something
very similar to a commercial content management system (CMS).
Another neat feature of this web site is you can search via your iPhone too. Now why your searching for domains on your phone? That is another problem I can even begin to get into here. Nice to know though that if you get that big idea for the next great domain name you can check on it even if there isn’t a PC in sight.
Featured unlimited web hosting Items Web hosting was born from Add2Net in 2000, and this company
continues to be managed by Ron Riddle and has never been traded or compromised
since its �humble beginnings.� Several years ago, Ron and the company branched
out from simple shared hosting to include Windows, Dedicated, Reseller, and most
recently, VPS Hosting Plans.
With three datacenters (Los Angeles CA, Riverside CA and one in Las Vegas,
Nevada), an optimized call center in La Habra, California, and several satellite
technicians in various parts of the United States, boasts that
they�re the premier web host in the world, hosting over 150,000 satisfied
customers with more than 100 staff members worldwide. They state that, �We truly
love what we do and have never compromised our security, management, pricing, or
services, while constantly remaining competitive to the industry�s ever-changing
Features offers customers a variety of packages that range from very
simple hosting solutions to dedicated servers. One offer, the LPQuicksite
Hosting, includes 30 minutes per month of design consultation & maintenance, and
a site that goes up within two hours. The site is built from a template with a
domain name that they provide for customers. does provide some
interesting features, such as discounts for transferring Web pages from another
server, and free Web hosting for educational purposes to all K-12 public schools
in the U.S. offers three operating systems for our Windows Hosting Plans.
These systems are recommended when you need to run ASP.NET applications or
scripts, MS SQL databases and server specifications, or Microsoft Exchange
Servers. They also offer Linux Dedicated Hosting Packages.
Reliability & Reputation
LA�s One Wilshire has become the premier communications hub on the Pacific Coast
and houses most of the world�s most powerful networks in 656,000 square feet of
prime data center real estate. With cooling to support up to 150 Watts per
square foot, redundant AC/DC UPS power, generator-backed power of up to 150
Watts per square foot, managed fire detection and suppression equipment, simply
having your severs stored in One Wilshire nearly speaks for itself.�s knowledgeable technicians are at the top of their field and on
site 24 hours per day, 7 days/week, 365 days per year to make sure your
Dedicated Server is running smoothly.
Pricing accepts but does not encourage checks and/or money orders. They
prefer credit cards so that your service can remain uninterrupted. Otherwise, a
lost check in the mail could interrupt your service and cost additional fees. will automatically charge any credit card on file so that your
service isn�t interrupted.
Support�s dedicated staff includes more than 120 professionals who are
instantly willing to assist you with any questions or concerns Customers can use
their Lunarpages accounts, try the FAQs, or the�s forums. They
claim that over 40,000 Webmasters use their forums and can help answer your
questions. also provides Flash-based online tutorials. You can
talk directly to staff members regarding billing, sales, or support, and you can
open a support ticket online.
* Applications Available: b2evolution, Cube Cart, Fantastico, Gallery,
Macromedia Shockwave, osCommerce, PHPAuction, phpFormGenerator, Wiki, WordPress,
Zen Cart
* Capabilities: Blog, Domain Registration, E-Commerce, E-mail, Forum, FrontPage
Extensions, Multi-Domain Support, Real Media, SSH, Streaming Audio, Streaming
* Control Panel(s): cPanel
* Database Support: MySQL, PostreSQL
* Framework/Language Support: AJAX, Apache, ASP, CGI, JSP, Perl, PHP, Python,
Ruby on Rails, SSI
* Operating System(s): Linux, Windows
* Server Type(s): Dedicated, Reseller, Shared, SSL Secure Server, VPS
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